About Us

Oak rural health Organization(Oak Rural Health) is a humanitarian organization that was established in 2017 and registered with the Nigerian corporate affairs commission(CAC) in 2018.
We work with partners and individuals, especially the community groups to make healthcare services accessible to the rural underserved communities. We influence community behaviors towards attaining and maintaining a level of health which makes them independent and productive within their settlements.
We do this by relating directly with the community members, listen to their voices on difficult access to healthcare services, identify potential risks to their health, and encourage their active participation in activities that mitigate the risks, thus promoting their healthy living... Read More
To be an internationally recognized grassroots health advocate. To reduce rural mortality, increase access to healthcare services and ensure a rural healthy and productive lives.
To provide access to healthcare services, mitigate potential risks to healthy living in rural communities and engage in programs that consider the community members themselves as stakeholders in proffering solutions to their health needs so as to create a sustainable impact.
- Professionalism
- Integrity
- Non-discrimination




Malaria Control
There were 228 million cases of malaria in 2018 compared to 231 million cases in 2017. The estimated number of malaria deaths stood at 405 000 in 2018, compared with 416 000 deaths in 2017.(world malaria report 2019).The WHO African Region continues to carry a disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden...Read More
Many population subgroups are considered at high risk of HIV in Nigeria. Among these, female sex workers, injecting drug users, and men having sex with men are classified as Most at Risk Populations (MARPs). Other high risk groups include Transport Workers and Uniformed Service Personnel...Read More
Maternal and Child Health
Part of the targets of SDG 3 aims to reduce the global Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) to below 70 per 100, 000 live births by 2030. A recent World Health Organization (WHO) publication titled ―Strategies toward ending preventable maternal mortality (EPMM), reiterate that no country should have an MMR greater than 140 per 100, 000 live births by 2030 although it has already been projected that sub-Saharan Africa is likely to lag behind both the national and global targets...Read More
Community Outreach, Screening and Referral
Oak Rural Health offers outreach services to rural populations who might not otherwise have access to those services. A key component of our outreach is that our groups providing it are not stationary, but mobile; though not without limitations of bad access roads, yet we meet those in need of outreach services at the locations where such services are mostly needed...Read More
According to statistics, about 47 million Nigerians practice open defecation and, no fewer than 60 million lack access to safe water. This problem is mostly peculiar to the Rural communities and urban slums. Oak Rural Health knows that water is important to public health and add values to the economic muscles of majority of the Rural dwellers...Read More